Saturday, July 25, 2009

erm,yesterday didnt blog,so will blog it today, i slept at 7 as i was too tired..i help teacher to pick up bean bags,then must run with them cus i need to encourage them..hhas.helping ppl is good..wel i help ppl like zolven to pass lots man!dun believe ask him larhs..i keep forcinh gim to rumn faster...and han en sorri for calling u idoit larhs,u can call me idoit i call u clever kies? if not i get blocked..sorri for calling u wake up at 7.30, im abit mad uhs..hahas..well,firstly i had a dream of someone taking a knife chasing wake up thast early,andwaies mr lim yi bin sucks.he totally sucks,cus i totally dunno the steps marhs,he must scold and go call my mum meh,that bullshit fcker,he though his white specs very cool meh,it makes him more guai lan,if i can killl him i will surely let him die of a miserible death sia..nothing to psot liao CIAO

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